Paris and Lyon, France – February 24th, 2023

La poste and BPI France’s patient autonomy fund annonce the creation of a leading player through the merger of their stake in nouveal with its competitor Maela.
The merger between the two Lyon-based companies, both pioneers in remote medical
monitoring, will create a leading player in the remote medical monitoring market and in the
orchestration of patient care pathways as the market consolidates. With this merger, Maela
and Nouveal aim to accelerate the development of digital and human services to meet the
challenges of transforming the healthcare system. The immediate challenge is to support
hospital and outpatient healthcare professionals in improving patient care, and the longer-
term challenge is to structure patient data so that it can be analyzed by healthcare
professionals and research centers.
Maela has around fifty partner healthcare establishments in 10 countries and has excellent
development prospects, including an international distribution agreement with Medtronic,
the world leader in healthcare technologies (cardiovascular, diabetes, medical, surgical and
neuroscience), through their Get Ready® application. In addition, since 2016, Maela has been
building on its « SOIN » offering (Digital Nurse Referral Service) to enable patients to make
informed decisions about their care.
A new entity to accelerate growth in patient services
The ambition of this new entity is to become the leader in patient pathway services. It draws
on complementary solutions and functionalities, experience and expertise, as well as projects
and partners from both healthcare institutions and the healthcare industry.
The aim of this partnership is not simply to consolidate the market, but also to offer the best
services for healthcare professionals and establishments for personaliz.ed patient monitoring
and, in the longer term, early detection and prevention services.
La Poste and Bpifrance’s Patient Autonome fund will be the main shareholders, alongside the
founders of the two start-ups.
« In 2022, we reached a turning point in Maela’s history, and we were looking at a number of
options for financing our growth. We then chose this major industrial project to merge with
our competitor Nouveal, which we felt was by far the most promising, the most ambitious
and the most impactful for the sector. We are also delighted to have La Poste and Bpifrance
as our new shareholders, with whom we share common values, starting with the collective
interest”. Hubert Viot, CEO of Maela.
« Above all, digital technology must serve an organization that has been worked on with the
medical and administrative teams in the establishments and that is focused on usage. In
addition to our digital solutions and our method of co-construction with establishments, we
are able to mobilize administrative or nursing human resources if required, who can take over remotely to supervise alerts or delegate tasks required to ensure the efficiency of the
entire process”. Delphine Mallet Director of La Poste Santé et Autonomie
« We’re very pleased with this partnership, which will give rise to a leading player in remote
monitoring. During our analysis, we were convinced by the complementary nature of the
services offered to healthcare establishments, the geographical areas addressed and also the
respective structuring industrial partners, La Poste for Nouveal and Medtronic for Maela. This
deal illustrates the Patient Autonomy Fund’s commitment to helping digital healthcare start-
ups create more value in a market that is still developing”. Chahra Louafi, Director of the
Fonds Patient Autonome
Frederic Vincent & Dr. Edouard Gobitz, Managing Partners Asklepios Advisors, Healthcare
focused Investment Bank added: “Our firm is proud to have supported such merger and the
creation of a leading company in the field. This transaction demonstrates Asklepios Advisors
commitment to supporting our clients in building a bright future.”
Asklepios Advisors served as Maela’s exclusive financial advisor.